Monday, January 16, 2012

Still waiting for our angel

Well nothing really happening at the moment., we have sent registration form of to adoption centre just waiting to hear back when our seminar is. Im not feeling confident about the whole adoption thing. There could be up to a 7 year wait....WOW that would put me well and truly into my 40' that stage would i really want to have a baby running around at that age????? Who knows, anyway as I said to B we will go along again and this time ask all the questions...can we still try IVF with  donor while on the waiting list are we able to choose our own country thats not on their list etc etc.
As far as looking for a donor is going I have had one lady offer to help us but I declined as she was a little olderthan what we wanted and her hormone levels were just as bad as mine.  She was very understanding when I told her and if anything she has again renewed our hope and faith that there are ladies still out there wanting help us.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Year 2012

What will it hold for B & I????

Well we have again entered into a new year. I am still totally shattered our last donor pulled out so close to starting but I am still hopeful :) We have decided to advertise again for a donor but we have also decided that starting the Adoption process is a good idea too. Whatever comes first. We are waiting now for our registration papers to do to the first adoption seminar, we did this a few years back but apparently because it was so long ago we need to do it again. That seminar is the 1st Feb so not that long of a wait :)

I get knocked down but I get back up again :)