Tuesday, March 6, 2012

7 little Ice Bubbas :)

We have some brilliant news today all our embies have made it to day 3 all still looking beautiful....3 were already at Morula stage the others at 8 cells and all graded at 1 and 2. So they have frozen them all today :) I dont think I have ever heard the word perfect come out of anyones mouths at the clinic about my cycles EVER so Im really happy with that. Now its all up to me....the scary part :-?  I will probably transfer in the next month or 2....whats a few more months of waiting...

I have emailed my FS to see her plans of a FET for me is correct...my last FET's consisted of bloods to detect natural ovulation this time no bloods and im a little concerned about this.  It never gets any easier :|

Our donor angel has done a fantastic job...no words can describe just how wonderful she is :)


  1. unbelievable! that is just so fabulous!! big hugs to you both xxxxxxx

  2. Thanks Ebz....Now its up to my freaking body to do its thing...surely there is a bubba in this lot :)

  3. so freaking happy to hear this... keeping everything crossed
